Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas Morning

On Christmas morning the Cummings had all the senior Temple missionaries over for breakfast in their apartment. The food was very good and there was a lot of it. Then at noon we all headed over to the Merriott Hotel for their Christmas brunch. This time it was some of the other missionaries that are serving here. As you can see, we did not go hungry. We had a good Christmas, but still missed our family and friends.

Sister Mortimer and I

Some of the couples waiting to eat. President, Byrams and their daughter and son-in law, Richies.

The COOK, Elder Cummings

The Waitress, Sister Cummings

Eating, what we do best. :)

This is Elder and Sister Ilagan and their family. Their son lives in the Philippines, the rest of their family lives in the US.

This is us at the Merriott for their Christmas Brunch. President and Sister Mortimer, Sister Kimber, Sister Bird, Elder and Sister Aguilar (she is the medical doctor for this end of the Philippines and is from California and is a sweetheart), Allan and I.

Byrams, Wards, and Ganir, Kristen and Scott

Cuyons, Jorgensens, and Lukes

The Cummings

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